I was asked by a couple of the curious ladies to reveal the number of times people commented. Since this is a thank you post… I will be more than happy to count the number of times each of you have lifted my spirits, encouraged me or stood behind me like an angry mob of crazy D~moms.
**DISCLAIMER… regardless of how many times you have commented, I greatly appreciate all the love and support I find here on my blog. You have all made living with Justin’s diagnosis a little easier.
Number represents TOTAL entries in contest
Meri 61 (Meri, you are the queen of ALL things)
Phonelady 49
Laura 34
Wendy 31
Hallie 29
The Crazy Pancreas 16
Jennifer 15
Tracie 15
Joanne 12
Heidi 11
AJ’s Mommy 10
Tammy 7
Heather 3
HTimm 2
Pam 1
In all there were 295 entries.
I used random.org to help me choose a number :)
And the number is...
Hooray!! Hooray!! Good Hell Ya!! I was up late tonight with three low boys and fellin pretty crappy. You just made my ridiculously long night SO much better! Now I feel kinda stalkerish that I commented so many times. But hey, comments = love, and I gotta spread some D mom love around!
Thanks in advance for the sweet gift. I never win things. I am completely honored! Love ya!
congrats meri .
Congrats to Meri! What a great contest!
Hooray for Meri!
Whoop - Whoop! Awesome contest! Hooray for Meri!!!!
Yay!! So glad Meri won! She deserves it after commenting over 60 times!!
CONGRATS Meri!!!! I can't wait to find out what is in the paint bucket :)
And Lora...CONGRATULATIONS on your 100th post!!! That's an amazing milestone :)
DANG! I really wanted to win! But I'm very happy for you, Meri and I can't wait to find out what's in that super cool bucket! :)
YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lora....I LOVED your organization :)
This was so much fun!!!
Now. How's that pump thing going?
I'm just now catching up on some blog reading. Woo hoo Meri won! Congrats, Meri!!! :)
Fun contest, Lora!!! :)
Hi Lora!
I just found you from Meri's blog. Wow! You are so talented!
My son was diagnosed in March of this year. I'm looking forward to getting to know you!
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