Sunday, July 28, 2013


I am probably the last blogger in the world to write about FFL 2013 but hey... nice girls finish last, right? *Oh shut it... I AM NICE!*

To be honest, I keep writing and deleting over and over... I've been doing that for days. I guess there are really no words to adequately describe what its like.

So maybe I can tell a little about our week with the photos from my phone...
**disclaimer: not all photos posted below have been approved, sorry ladies**

So Meri posted a pic similar to this one, showing us with a perfect pose and great smiles...

Truth is...

We had to take like 20 shots because we couldn't keep it together.

A good mom would have been with Justin while he did his retina screening...

Truth is...

This girl was out in the hallway and I ditched him :/

I think he still loves me...

and I think he loves Meri too.

I wanted to be sure to get pics with all my favorite Mamas...

Truth is...

photo courtesy of Sara

I got a little distracted by the Mojitos.

DMama nicely holds light up mo-hawks for kids...

Truth is...

DMama's can not resist wearing them while posing oddly for the camera.

I thought for sure Justin would make some kind of Mindcraft reference when I spotted him writing on the Dexcom wall.

Truth is...

Other than the fact that he spells about as well as his mama, it was pretty sweet <3 p="">

I wasn't sure what to expect when we packed our bags for our first "official" FFL conference.

Truth is...

Photo courtesy of Cooperate Image Photography

We had a blast!!

Even the hubbies had fun.


Both family near...

and those that live far...

I wouldn't trade one second of time I spent with you.

Photo courtesy of Cooperate Image Photography

ALL of you...

Maybe next year Sara can come too :)


Unknown said...

You aren't the last...

I love this post for a million, zillion reasons.

Thank you for being my friend.


Sara said...

You might be the last person to post about FFL but it was definitely worth the wait!

I might not be IN any of your pictures (or anyone else's) but at least I TOOK some of them! :P

Joanne said...

Love the pics. Loved this post. Loved meeting you!

You saved the best for last, right?

JMom528 said...

Looks like a blast!! Everything is still so new this year and were slowly learning about all the events like this...maybe in the next year or two we can make it :)

Anonymous said...

..and now I need to drown my jealousy in a mojito at not even 1 in the afternoon!

so glad all of you had such a great time!! looking forward to being able to see you all next year!!

Sandy said...

Great post! looks like everyone had a blast!

Anonymous said...

Hello Lora... This is Tracy from Va.. I met you one night out by the big pool at the Coronado at CWDFFL.. You introduced me to all the other bloggers.. I just wanted to thank u again for your words of encouragement..... As I am still in that overwhelmed stage... Hope to find you at the conference again next year.. You have a wonderful blog.. Thank you!!

Lora said...

Hi Tracy,
It was great meeting you. If you're on FB email me( and I can tell you how to find me. There are a ton of awesome Dmamas to help with that feeling of being overwhelmed. There is something comforting about that feeling of "same". You are never alone :)

Anonymous said...

And now I realize that I recognize your son... and you... from FFL. :)

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