Justin is more excited than a diabetic
eatin a cupcake! I should know... he gets pretty excited about a cupcake ;0)
So without further ado... here is the finished product.

We still need to hang the desk... which is currently on the floor in the corner holding Lego's.

As a matter of fact... EVERY square inch of the floor under the bed is full of Lego's.

Justin loves his new bed... it was
sooo worth building because it made him so happy.
He told me after the first night that he has "such good dreams in his new bed".~Priceless!!!

I do have to admit that it is a little harder to
check bg's at night though. I have to climb up the ladder and check a toe or bring a step ladder with me. What are ya gonna do?
Here's another cute pic from his party this weekend... he was acting shy:)
Happy Tuesday!!!
I love it! It looks so cool (and frees up floor space for Lego creations!)Glad he enjoys it!
SO COOL! What kid would not want an awesome bed like that?!? I'm so glad he's so happy - AND is having great dreams! Well done, Mom and Dad!
OK, In the first pic the bed looks so small...but then in the second pic with Justin in it, it looks GINORMOUS!!! That is by far the coolest bed I have ever seen. I would love to show the boys, because I know they would appereciate it...but I wouldn't dare...they would beg for one until forever. (And I've still got to get my hubby to finsish the bathroom before he starts another project!)
Lora that is awesome! Justin is one lucky kid. I think a desk underneath is a great idea. We are small on space, and I'm always looking for ways to be creative with storage/expanding floor space.
I LOVE it! And love the "more excited than a diabetic kid eatin' a cupcake!" THAT's excited!
Cool bed !! yeah checking BG at night with a bunkbed isn't always easy. Many times has Adele woken up with me or my wife in her bed trying to check her BG :-)
WOWOWOWOW!!!! Great Job, Team Justin!!!!!!
Now I want one. For me. I'm not kidding.
Stop laughing :)
That is so cool!!!! I was totally wondering about bg checks and then the next sentence you answered me! HA!!
Exciting stuff!!
that bed is awesome!!! I bet he loves it!! And totally worth the extra effort to check his sugar when you know how happy he is!
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