I have learned plenty since I started blogging. I doubt there is a whole lot that I've learned you haven't already heard.
So I will make it short and sweet...
The most important thing I have learned is that I have a family here.
And they will...
~love me even when I am not sparkling with glitter.
~not un-friend me when I don't agree.
~take my hand even when my glass is half empty.
~support and uplift me when I am at my lowest and not easy to listen to.
~cheer me on when I'm kicking ass.
~make me smile everyday.
~help me find my marbles.
~sing to me.
~they will even meet me in Chicago.
AND I WILL do the same for them(except maybe that singing thing).

I will leave you with this quote...
"The family endures because it offers the truth within the group. The family endures because it seems to make us feel at the same time unique and yet joined, accepted as is and yet challenged to grow, loved unconditionally and yet propelled by greater expectations. Only in the family can so many extremes be reconciled and synthesized. Only in the family do we have a lifetime in which to do it." ~ Unknown
Love it! and love you too!
Beautifully said! Love the quote...very fitting...we (the DOC) are family! Okay, now I've got that song stuck in my head, lol!
To my sister...my friend...
I love you like cupcakes. And man, you should know...I really love cupcakes!
DNQ. :)
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing that. :)
When you're having a down day, I will pour glitter all over you :)
Seriously though...I love our family.
Even when there isn't a morsel of glitter to be found.
Nope, don't go *there.* Those were hugs. Hugs covered with glitter. :)
Lovely quote. Glitter or no glitter!! :)
Love you twin.
I wanna roll around in glitter and THEN sing "POUR SOME GLITTER ON ME ... OH IN THE NAME OF LOVE...POUR SOME GLITTER ON ME... COME ON... SPARKLE ME UP..." What do you think?
Love to you. Thanks, as always, for your friendship, your support, your kindness...it is unwavering.
Glittery and shining like the star you are :) Love ya and thanks for letting me into your wonderfully crazy family...I would be lost without you!!
hahah had to laugh over the 'help you find your marbles' point. when your glass is only half full, a good friend pours you another glass.
What you wrote makes me feel good about the DOC - and relieved! I especially love the one about not being unfriended when we disagree. :)
ummm...It just hit me that maybe you were talking about me with the singing thing. I was all, "Wow! I wonder who sang to her? Awesome!" And then I remembered that I sang in my post...and now I'm wondering if it was ME ME ME that you were talking about???
Yeah, and coming back to comment again on a post isn't weird, okay?
:) Awesome post Lora, so true!
What a SWEET post! I love that they help you find your marbles! heehee : )Holly
totally rocked it what a blog i really like it thanks for sharing it with me...
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