Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Great FFL Crash mostly in captions...

Regardless of the challenges that D throws my way... I can only be thankful for the great friendships that are in my life because of it. 

I had a great weekend! I didn't REALLY crash FFL... I just popped in for a visit because I wasn't able to take the whole week off to attend the conference(holiday weekend + new job + bottom of the food chain = work for yours truly). Its okay though; as much as would have loved to go, I didn't miss one of the most important parts... meeting some of my fav D-Mamas and the bonus... a couple of the awesome T1's I stalk.

I didn't get there until Friday night. As I was checking in, I saw a familiar face...  

Heather and I have not seen each other IRL since we hung                   out in Chicago together, so it was great to give her a big hug.We all headed up to our rooms to get ready for a little dip  in the pool meet up.

The view from our 22nd floor balcony.

On my way to the pool, we ran smack into one of my                         FAV Dmama's ev-er! I LOVE YOU MISS MERI!!!

 And Justin met a friend... who may or may not think he's "weird".

After a big ol' hug from both Meri and Ryan... we were off to the pool to hang out at with Heather, WendyMisty, Meri and Kelly.
I opted out of the swim suit/stripper shoe combination, thinking that meeting some of my Dmama's for the 1st time... I might want to appear "normal-ish".

Even though I was meeting most of them for the first time IRL... it felt as if I was hanging out with friends I had known forever. There is no way to describe how lucky I am to have these ladies in my life; for support, encouragement and a good dose of laughter.

 During the Howl at the Moon Fundraiser this cRaZy woman pops up beside me and asks if I have my stripper shoes on. I totally should have taken the time to change, but the minis had to eat. 
I am so glad I had a chance to meet Denise and her hubby...               they are a hoot! 

Speaking of Uber Geek... I warned you that I needed material.

Uber Geek snapped a photo of himself with MY camera...                  total mistake. 

Uber geek and The boat Captain, aka my hubby. Thanks you Uber Geek for the new nickname, but may I just say... you both look a little like you could be on an episode of Deadliest Catch. Just Sayin!

Mr. Candy Heart and Mr. Box of Chocolate saved Anthony from a whole lot of girl talk. I think The boat Captain could get into a whole lot of trouble with these two. 

Surrounded by A.W.E.S.O.M.E.N.E.S.S!
With Wendy, K2, Krissy, and Denise.

During Howl at the Moon, Anthony won a fishing trip for him and Justin with a Type 1 boat captain, a cute diabetes frame for my office and two glass necklaces for me- including the sweet little glass heart I'm wearing here.

I was only able to spend two nights in Orlando,                                          and I loved every minute of it. 

One last thing before I go...

**I would like to thank Mr. Candy Hearts for introducing me to Strawberry Mojitos. Or maybe I shouldn't... since I found found out they make them at the Chili's by my house. YUM!

Cheers to meeting more Friends next year.


Alexis Nicole said...

I love this!!!!

Kelly said...

Your just too cute! Looks like you had a great time...nothing better than being surrounded by old and new friends.

Unknown said...

I LOVED having you come visit!!! It was such a great time ;) Jason really enjoyed hanging out with Anthony and Keith!!!! I can't wait to do it again!!!!!!!!

Stat please.

Scott K. Johnson said...

Glad you were able to crash the party for a bit!

It was a special treat to spend some prayer power time with you and the rest of the amazing d-parents there.

Hope to have more time to visit sometime soon!

Anonymous said...

It was AWESOME meeting you and the Boat Captain!
Hope you can swing it for the whole time next year.
Would love to have more time with all my D-Mamas!!
Bummed I missed out on the pool time...must plan better next year!

Sarah said...

aww, I am feeling a bit jealous about this - someday, someday :) glad it was such a great time, and those mojitos look delicious!

Unknown said...

I LOVE that heart necklace!

Meri said...

B didn't think he was "too" weird because he kept asking when we could meet up with him again!

I'm so blessed to have gotten a real life hug from you! I look so tired in that pic...and then I just looked in the mirror and I STILL look so tired. Do you think it is irreversable???

Anonymous said...

It was great you guys made it. Tell the Boat Captain I said Hi!!!

Misty said...

You're my favorite party crasher EV-ER! So happy that we had our mojito time...can't wait til next time!!

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