Tuesday, July 24, 2012


As I sit here watching my sweet 11 year old son lie in my bed, clutching his Build-a-bear, and feeling horribly sick to his stomach... I am reminded about how quickly things can change.

Just yesterday, we were feeling somewhat on top of things. With our 3 month report card results coming in at a consistent(<-- word used by the doc) 6.7, we went on with out normal routine. Justin happened not to go to camp today because he went to his math tutor... guess its a good thing since Leighanna comes into the room while I'm working to tell me Justin is throwing up and not feeling good at all.

-"What's his bg?"
-"have him come here"

In between calls I tell a poor pitiful looking Justin, who is literally dragging himself like a sloth, to go test his ketones and come back. ~large~


Were going to do this Reyna style... A day in the life of large ketones and site changes in between calls and pre-authorizing a colonoscopy. And feeling thankful that I work from home to do it.

Now if only I had her ab's.


Meri said...

I'm sorry it is a crappy day. :( Kick those ketones in the bahookie! You'll have them begging for mercy in no time!

And PS I'm SO glad you can work from home too! <3

Tracy1918 said...

I'm so sorry!!

Misty said...

Hope he gets well soon...So sorry that he is sick! Love and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Highs are hard enough without the ketones adding their own version of nastiness!

So glad you were able to be at home to work double time as a pancreas!

Joanne said...

Yuck... Sorry he's sick. Hope he feels better soon!

Kelly said...

Thinking of you this night and hoping for a better ketone and vomit free tomorrow for Justin!

Unknown said...

Oh man! That stinks Lora. I hope he is feeling better today. xo

Jules said...

congrats on the a1c, thats one less thing to worry abt while you nurse your babe back to health. hang in there xx.

Misty said...

I'm just catching up here...hope Justin is back to normal now. Thankful for your "work from home" job!

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