Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To be a D Momma...

I saw this on FB a while back; I hope you enjoy...


To be a mom of a Type 1 Diabetic...you must be a 
mathematician, physician  personal trainer, nurse, 
dieticitian, and most of all...Mom !! We have hearts 
of gold, and nerves of steel. We have patience  kindness, 
balls, and the stamina to pull an all-nighter. Love all 
my fellow T1D mommas!!!


Unknown said...

We. Are. Awesome.

Unknown said...

We. Are. Awesome.

Anonymous said...

love ya back!!

Tammy said...

Several people lately have told me what a great job I'm doing with our T1 son. As much as I appreciate the compliments, my son is the hero.

Lora said...

I agree that our kiddos are heros; we don't need to be convinced of that :) I think it's us moms that doubt ourselves sometimes... That's probably why most of us do our best to lift each other up every chance we get :)

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