Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why 4 was tough...

We just passed Justin's 4 year Di-aversary  and I have to say... this one was a little tough. If you've been around a while, you know we don't "celebrate" Justin's DX anniversaries. This is a choice I made because he was diagnosed just two days before Leighanna's birthday; and I honestly feel that she has to stand in the shadows of D way to much as it is. This year she turned 13... (THIRTEEN!!) and damnit, she needs attention too.

Justin started the morning of his di-aversary with the 1st of several vomiting episodes after a long night of high bg's, I was tired. I had shit to do. And my vomiting son had high Ketones. As I sat at the kitchen table, looking at a sweet 11 year old boy, who felt a kind of sickness that I will never truly know, I couldn't help but go back to that place I was a few years ago. I was sad and mad and I wanted to scream. I think it was the day. On THAT day, diabetes should behave. THAT day is a day to have dessert, just because, and be thankful we are lucky enough to be here. THAT day is a day to say F YOU diabetes... I made it through another year, but instead, diabetes showed us.

And that just pisses me off!

Day 24, NaBloPoMo


Kelly said...

Oh no! That pisses me off too! Damn Diabetes.

Sarah said...

those moments piss me off, too. Not too long ago I felt horrible when I thought that I was thankful that Ethan got the stomach flu and not Isaac...then got my booty kicked when TJ got it and ended up needing an IV. Forgot about him, too. Sometimes having a child with d changes so much, other times everything feels the same.
i, am glad though, for people like you in the DOC. I'd be even more happy to hear you say all is well and Justin is cured of it all...but until then thanks for cracking me up, being honest, and never giving up :) You help me know I am not alone in all this, thank you.

Anonymous said...

SUCKS! totally and completely sucks.

Kelly said...

After reading that, I wanted to scream for you! Damn Diabetes, always shows up for the party. xoxo

Karen said...

I wish I could give you a big huge hug!!!! :(

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