No responsible mother would ever let her child play hooky from school to go fishing, wait...
Let's try that again.
Responsible parents know the value of a mental health day (yeah, that's more like it). You may remember during "The Great FFL Crash" we attended a fundraiser where Anthony won a fishing charter for him and Justin with a Type 1 boat captain. Well, meet Captain Tom Austin; the founder of Team 1 Fish.
Captain Austin founded Team 1 Fish as a way to raise Diabetes Awareness and promote active outdoor living for those living with Type One Diabetes. You can tell by the smile on Justin's face that he's sold.
They headed out, bright and early, off the coast of Clearwater Beach- looking
for Mackerel, Grouper and Tarpon.
Anthony tried to tell me that the waves were "rough", but this is what I found on the camera...
Rough, really?
As a mom, I worry that Justin's age makes it less appealing for people to work with him, that was not the case at all... This trip was all about Justin; and Captain Austin was GREAT! He made Justin's experience worth every dime we spent on this trip... or more. Justin is DYING to go again.
This has to be one of my favorite pictures of Justin; his smile tells a story of a day he will always remember.
It makes me smile just looking at it.
I believe it truly takes a special person, with a kind heart, to give of your time for others. Thank you Captain Austin for a great day and also for your generosity towards the Diabetes Scholars Foundation. This was truly an experience Justin will be talking about for a very long time.
Oh, and since active outdoor living is good for everyone, you don't have to be a type one to hang out with this Captain. If you live in the Tampa Bay area and you're looking for a great Captain to charter your next fishing trip... be sure you check out www.team1fish.com and then give Captain Austin a call.
Those pictures of Justin just melt my heart! You sure can tell he was having one very great day! xoxo
So totally cool!!
Beyond worth any make up work that was sent home ;)
that looks awesome! I'd love to go :)
Oh My! Looks like a blast Lora. Justin's smiles were HUGE.
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