Saturday, October 13, 2012

In the night...

Not all mornings start this way, but sometimes, for some mom's(and dads too) they do. They can make or break you when you're already on edge from exhaustion.

It's 4am... A Momma sleeps through her 2am alarm, but intuition is calling her name. She bounds out of bed, head pounding because she has been TRYING to get off "the juice" (uhum... the diet coke).

She staggers into her sleeping child's room... poke*3...2...1*beep. 345(sigh); she just wants to sleep.


EZ BG...


(music) do do do do do do dooooo do do dooooo do do dooo

(oh good Lord!) Bolus canceled... no insulin in cartridge :/

She zombie stares at the screen while her warped brain wraps itself around what its telling her. She can't think straight, her head is still pounding... ba boom, ba boom, ba boom, making it almost impossible for her to figure out what she needs to do. Her exhaustion says give him a shot to hold him over and allow HIM, at least, get some sleep. She realizes, however, that would be a temporary, half ass fix she will undoubtedly regret later. She rests her head on the rail of her type 1's bed; "How did I let him run out of insulin" she says, on the verge of exhaustion induced tears.

After a few minutes, and quite possibly a quick check of the back of her eyelids, the mom disconnects the pump from her child's restless body. She has figured out a way to let him sleep. Fill the pump now, change the site in the morning she proclaims with a smirk of satisfaction.

She can do this!

When the task is complete, the weary mom drags her tattered body back to her room. She takes a long look at the clock while she calculates what time to set the next alarm; she just gave him a hefty correction, after all. On her way across the room she makes a final plea; please keep her sweet baby safe and do not let her sleep through the alarm this time.

As soon as her head hits the pillow... she dozes off to sleep.

NaBloPoMo... day 13


Kelly said...

All too familiar! Cazy how our bodies sleep through those alarms sometimes! Ive been doing that often lately, and it makes me so mad!

Unknown said...

Oh how I hate when this one happens...AND...the darn battery alarm in the middle of the night too. Tear-inducing for sure. xo

Anonymous said...

love it when we can figure out a way to let THEM if we can just get some of that sleep ourselves from time to time! ;)

sky0138 said...

oh that insanely long amount of time that it takes to form a coherent thought at that hour is enough to make me cry....:o/

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